Breathe for Mood Boost | Tyler Forbes
An elevating sequence of breath-work designed balance mind and fluctuating thoughts. Boost is a tool to gain control and clarity when feeling overwhelmed mentally. 3 Rounds x 25 Breaths | 17 min
Up Next in Tyler
Breathe to Reset | Tyler Forbes
This session is designed to upregulate you, recharge your battery and provide you with a feeling of strength and resilience to take on the day. 4 Rounds x 40 Breaths | 31 min
Breathe to Reset | Tyler Forbes
A Wim Hoff inspired breath work session, designed to recharge and elevate the body. Create mental strength and resilience for the day. A fantastic morning session. 5 Rounds x 40 Breaths | 48 min
Breathe to feel Motivated | Tyler Forbes
A quick class designed to help you feel motivated using your breath to create connection, increase your performance and productivity as a mid-day session. Use this before anything important you have to "show up" for.
3 Rounds x 40 Breaths | 22 min